Welcome to CV United Girls Softball!
The Fall Season has begun! A big thank you to everyone who participated in evaluations and supported the league. We're anticipating an exciting season and can't wait to see you all on the field!
Seeking Coaches and Players!
- Coaches - If you are interested in coaching a 12U team, please reach out to president@cvunitedsoftball.com or 12U@cvunitedsoftball.com. We need a 12U coach to inspire and lead a team of amazing athletes.
- Players interested in joining the 10U or High School teams, we still have spots open. Please contact president@cvunitedsoftball.com for more information.
Congratulations to our 14U team that made it to Nationals!
Join the Fun at CV United!
Serving Greater Glendale with No Residential Boundaries
Attributes of Play By Division
This is the starting division for many of our players. Early fundamentals of hitting, catching and throwing are taught.
- 10" Easton IncrediBall
- Coach Pitch/Tee Combo
- Outs not recorded
- Score not recorded
- Full round robin batting each inning
Fundamental game play concepts are covered at this age. Live pitching is introduced.
- 10" RIF 1 Sof-Dot Ball
- Live kid pitch/coach pitch combo
- 30 ft Pitching Distance
- Base stealing - one base per pitch
- Closed home plate
- 10 defensive players
- 4 run maximum per inning
- 2 inning max per pitcher
Intermediate game play concepts are covered in this division. Standard USA Softball rules now apply.
- 11" RIF 10 Ball
- Live Pitch Only
- 35 ft Pitching Distance
- Dropped 3rd Strike
- Open Home Plate
- Base stealing - one base per pitch + one on overthrow
- 10 defensive players
- 4 run maximum per inning
- 2 inning max per pitcher per game
Advanced game play concepts are covered in this division. Players are expected to have the basic mastery of catching, throwing and hitting.
- 12" Rawlings Dreamseam Ball
- 40 ft Pitching Distance
- 9 defensive players
- 6 run maximum per inning
- No inning limits for pitchers
- Base stealing - completely open
Advanced inter-league play in preparation for high school softball.
- 12" Rawlings Dream Seam Ball
- 43 ft Pitching Distance
Stay tuned!