COVID-19 Guidelines
CV United Softball is following the latest guidelines from LA County regarding COVID-19 and Youth Sports. Links can be found below:
What to do if a player or a coach tests positive for COVID-19:
- Begin isolation LAC | DPH | COVID-19 Isolation (
- Inform your coach and report the case immediately to board secretary
- Get better soon
What to do if a player or a coach is considered a "close contact" to someone who tests positive for COVID-19:
- You may continue to play softball, but should:
- Monitor symptoms for 10 days
- Wear a mask around others when indoors
- Get tested 3-5 days after exposure
A "close contact" is someone who shares the same indoor airspace with someone with COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24 hour period while they were infectious: